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Waiting BIGBANG on Flower Road : My Letter For all BIGBANG Member

Before I start this blog,I will tell you something : English is not my first language,so if I make wrong sentence please correct me in comment I never tell everyone I'm a VIP ('cause I know there are many people who love them more the me) but BIGBANG is the group I love the most,not just as K-Pop group but also as whole singers group So today,13th March 2018, we finally see pictures of Daesung before he enter his military service and I almost cried because he is the person I love the most in BIGBANG (I'm not saying he's my 1st bias in BIGBANG because I really love 5 of them but somehow I'm feel more related with Daesung). He look so cute and happy that make me smile so much. Yesterday, I saw Taeyang's video when he say good bye to VIP and that is the cutest thing I ever see in 2018. A month ago we all saw GD started his military camp and I fell so proud with him. We all knew about TOP scandal, how many K-netz talked back and even never said his name ...

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UTS Lab SMBD : Normalisasi Database

Aplikasi Sederhana Dengan VB


Cerita Anak SMA Angkatan 2015


Time Capsule - 3 Tahun Setelah Tahun 2012

L.O.V.E. - ( L for Lucky)